
Everybody Counts!
Brook Babes where we believe 'Everybody Counts,' we strive to be inclusive and make sure that the children in our care progress with a rounded perspective, awareness and understanding of other faiths and different social backgrounds inline with British Values.
In our nursery we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). Our curriculum is guided by the non-statutory guidance Development Matters. It sets out the aims of the learning experiences we provide throughout nursery, including the knowledge and skills to be gained at each stage; the resources needed and how staff can support and challenge children to learn and develop; and for evaluating what knowledge and understanding children have gained against the expectations.
Areas of Learning & Development
The areas of learning and development in the EYFS shape the educational experiences we plan for in our curriculum. During our regular team meetings, we carefully consider what children need to learn over time so they make the very best levels of progress during their time with us. Through our enabling environment and skilled interactions, we sequence what we intend all children to learn, rather than it happening solely by chance or for some children and not others.
- Communication and Language which includes English as an additional Language.
- Physical Development
- Personal, Social and Emotional Development
- Literacy
- Mathematics
- Understanding of the World
- Expressive Art and Design
Our well-planned and well-sequenced curriculum enables children to make progress by knowing more, understanding more and being able to do more. In this way, we provide the building blocks of knowledge for subjects that children will study in later years and we ignite a passion for lifelong learning. The early years curriculum does not include formal subjects. However, it does prepare children for later learning in those formal subjects. For example, growing seeds and sharing non-fiction books to find out what plants need to survive, supports language acquisition and helps children to develop foundational knowledge for learning science later on.
Once practitioners decide what they want all children in their room to learn, they consider the most effective ways to teach it. Sometimes it will be appropriate to show or tell children what to do through explicit teaching. For example, when they are learning something for the first time. This may be followed by opportunities for children to use and apply this new knowledge through play. At other times, it may be appropriate for children to explore something through play first and for the practitioner to intervene with guidance at appropriate point.