
Designated Safeguarding Team
As part of the Senior Management commitment to the importance of Safeguarding Children we have a Designated Safeguarding Team to promote the welfare of children. In addition, our Safeguarding Champion, the proprietor, ensures timely training is implemented and used a coaching approach to hold Supervisions in a supportive and challenging manner.
Safeguarding Audits
We audit how our practice meets legislation requirements such as Working together to Safeguard children July 2018, EYFS and Inspecting Safeguarding in Early Years, Education and Skills updated 2022. All Designated Leads, (Our Managers) are trained with the LSCP, on their responsibilities and in Safer Working Practice, Prevent Duty and Oral health as part of and share best practice through our Safeguarding Management Meetings. The Designated Team is made up of professionals including a Social Worker, Trained Paediatric Nurse, EYP and EYIT and keep Practitioners up to date with training action to take to raise a concern and who to contact if they are not satisfied with action taken.
All children have a right to be safe
It is our responsibility to provide a safe and interesting environment, with age appropriate resources, which help develop curiosity, coordination and physical abilities. We are signed up to Child Accident Prevention Trust, Leeds Safeguarding Partnership for news letters and updates on how to safeguard children, details of safety are added to parent notice boards/news letters.
As part of keeping children safe complete thorough risk assessments on a regular basis and use Citation to carry out Health and Safety checks and training. There are fitted coded locks on entrance and alternative collection procedures in place to protect against strangers entering the building. This also requires comprehensive employment procedures inline with Safer Recruitment training which includes enhanced DBS checks, ongoing training, (in which everyone takes responsibility for safeguarding) and implementation of their roles in protecting children from harm.