Special Educational Needs

Development Matters
We believe that all children have the right to have a voice and make the best progress they can do through early identification of their needs and well-timed appropriate support, together with high aspirations.
We know that being heard and valued helps all children, including those with SEN or disabilities, achieve well contributing to better resilience, positive mental health and make a successful transition to adulthood.
We understand our duties within the Children and Families Act 2014 and 0-25 SEND Code of Practice to do everything we can, to improve outcomes for the most disadvantage children.
Meeting each child's individual needs
At Brook Babes we aim to meet each child's individual needs in an inclusive manner, this is initially done by their Key Person, observing and assessing whether they are making the appropriate development progress inline with 'Development Matters revised 2021'. They will make assessments based on a range of perspectives taking into account the views of the child, parents, other relevant adults to make effective provision and interventions. This is to enable our practitioners to identify and support children with SEN or disabilities to promote equality of opportunities and improve outcomes for all children in our care.
Where it is recognised that a child has SEN or disability our SENCO ensures all practitioners in the setting understand their responsibilities to meeting the needs of children with SEN. The SENCO advises and supports their colleagues and the child's key person. Additionally, they ensure parents are closely involved throughout and listen to their insights on a continuous basis and at regular ISAR meetings which informs our plan of action.
Our SENCO works with other professionals such as health visitors, speech and language therapists, Portage workers, educational psychologists or specialist teachers, who may be able to identify effective strategies, equipment, programmes or other interventions to enable the child to make progress towards the desired learning and development outcomes to best support the child in a graduated four stage approach.
- Observe/Assess child's development
- Plan activities, interventions extra support.
- Do the implementation of SEN
- Review effectiveness and progress being made, make alterations if needed.
We use the SENIT Developmental Journal, as this enables us to break down the stages of development into achievable targets making it easier to show progression children have made.
Where we have taken the necessary action to identify, assess and meet the special educational needs of the child and the child has not made expected progress, we will apply for an Education, Health and Care needs assessment as part of our SEN support. We will work with and agree with parents the information to be shared as part of the planning and preparing process to aid a smooth transition before a child moves into another setting or school.